Media can
play havoc with the mind of a naïve user! The curious case of Syed Hassan
Rizvi’s suicide strengthens this assumption more than any other thing! YouTube
page of this young man of 24, who committed suicide together with his nephew
and sister-in-law two days ago in Gujranwala, reveals his obsession with death
and horrible impact of media on his credulous mind. On the night before the
fateful day he uploaded his confession in a 12 minute self recorded video
titled “Gunahon se nijat” (salvation from sins). He counts disrespectful way of
addressing Allah’s name and cruel treatment towards animals and birds as the
major sins that are pushing him and his family towards this extreme step! He
reverently recalls his brother who showed him this ‘enlightened’ path of
salvation. His brother was found dead a month ago in mysterious
circumstances. Probably he had also committed suicide to get rid of his sins!
نیا پاکستان عظیم تر پاکستان

اکتوبر 07, 2013
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